Friday, November 15, 2013

Hello Hello Again ♪(´ε` )!! Sailor Moon Cosplay ~☆!

Hey babes! sure has been a while, huh? I totally overestimated how much free time I'd have during school! I've been doing a lot of fun things, and a lot of studying, so whenever I have time to myself i usually just space out with netflix honestly! I seriously miss being able to update regularly, but I think I might end up only being able to update every couple of months when I have the free time and energy to spare.

Since my birthday, there's been one really big event! AWA! I've been going to Anime Weekend Atlanta every year since 2008. This was my first time cosplaying there though! Jesse, Caylee, Malice, Claire and I all wore sailor moon seifuku cosplays on friday night. Jesse and I ended up arriving and getting ready later than we expected, so we didn't really get group photos, so I'll only share photos of myself. Hopefully we'll be able to wear them again and have a photo shoot though! I was Ami Mizuno & Saturday I swapped wigs with my friend Claire to become Usagi ;v;!

Heh I took this selfie while I was walking ; v;

Jesse took this photo for me!! It's my favorite Ami picture so far!! I just had a photo shoot for Ami so I'll share those pictures when I get them for sure ;v;!

Meatball Head!

And a mirror selfie! I only walked around in this for a while. Claire (Who cosplayed Usagi with me!) and I made our uniforms together so they matched perfectly ;v;!

AWA this year was really nice!! I had so much fun ;u;! I got to see a lot of friends that mean a lot to me and It was just such a great atmosphere and it was totally sad for it to end. It really got me looking forward to cosplaying for momocon and next AWA though! And to have more photo shoots! I definitely want nice pictures of the costumes I make in the future ;v;!

Thanks for dropin' by, babes!! I'll try my very best to update again as soon as I can ♪(´ε` )!!


  1. Good cosplays! *O* You are very pretty~! I love Sailor Moon very much, it was one of my first animes (but I actually just started reading the manga, haha!). ^^

    1. Thank you!! I love it too! Sailor moon has always really been my hero /u\!! Im making sailor mercury for the next convention! so excited ;wwww;

  2. OMG are you kidding?! I was selling in the AA at AWA!!!! I wonder if I saw you ;^; Glad to hear you had a great time and you look absolutely adorable in your cosplay! <3

    1. Ah how cool!! you might've ;u;! i spent a lot of time in the AA this year uvu. I hope you had a lot of fun too!! thank you! ;v;

  3. OMG I love your cosplays ( ; 3 ;) ♥ ♥ ♥
    You are so adorable ( ~> u <)~

    (Sorry for my bad english... google translator x'I)

    1. Thank you so much!! ;v; Your english is great dear <3!!

  4. Awwww, how cute! Glad I ran into your Usagi cosplay Saturday~~

    1. Thanks donni!!! Im really glad I got to see you too! even though it was only for a little while

  5. Waahh ~ cute! ^^ You can never go wrong with Sailor Moon!! Your cosplays looks great.

    1. I agree! ITs hard to go amiss when you're magical right! But thank you so much, i worked really hard on them ;v;

  6. Awesome! Great quality on the costumes!

    Here I have other Sailor Moon cosplays, but yours are more accurate on the school uniform:
    Sailor Moon Cosplay

  7. Aww it looks so cute on you ^_^ Love sailormoon

  8. Hi...I know you haven't posted in a while, but I love your blog and I hope you'll check mine out too! ^_^
